
The Importance of Play

“When you ask me what I’ve done at school today, and I say, “I Just Played”,

Please don’t misunderstand me. For you see, I’m learning as I play.

I’m learning to enjoy and be successful in my work. I’m preparing for tomorrow.

Today, I am a child and my work is play.” – Anita Wadley

Playtime for children has changed over the years, most recently it has become more focused on technology and less on imaginative, constructive or physical activity. This trend to a more solitary and less active approach to play which, limits the essential and critical value of play in a child’s development.

Children learn through play. They progress their motor skills using crayons, building blocks, running and jumping. They develop social skills on the playground and in a game of Simon Says. They increase their cognitive ability when creating their own art through play dough or imagining a new universe where they pretend to rule. Play helps encourage children to become active, creative, and social adults.

Just as children learn in different ways and at varied speeds, their play develops the same way. While some children will thrive in a high energy, boisterous environment, others will crave a more calm and analytic space. The key is to create the experience for a child, exposing them to the potential of their ability.  It is important for every child to find the learning path that fosters their potential and that path includes unstructured play.

“When I’m building in the block room, please don’t say I’m “Just Playing”.
For you see, I’m learning as I play, about balance and shapes.
Who knows, I may be an architect someday.” – Anita Wadley

Learn more about myWall for educational space and educational play